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Old 06-17-2009, 01:37 PM   #12
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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It's a reference to a comment Tiki made over on PD about the Cellar. Someone who'd been here from there said she couldn't find any interesting threads and apparently al we talk about is stuff like Things to do with a Piano etc. I suggested that there is actually quite a wide variety of discussion types and topics and some o fthem are interesting, some deep, some shallow, some silly, some serious.

Tiki's response was:

Stupid people talking about serious stuff is still stupid, though. I don't think anyone there has an IQ over 120 (not that I put a lot of stock in IQ... but it can give you a rough guideline), and frankly, I can overhear those people at the mall, if I wanted to. Wasting my time with a bunch of dull-witted assholes is not really my cup of tea. I prefer to waste it with the sharp-witted assholes I find here. They aren't a pack of mediocre malicious cunts pretending to be nice people.
Oh...and this one directed specifically at me:

I know that I'm better, smarter, and more interesting than you or anyone you know
So.... Shawnee's post is just a bit chain yanking around the general theme of us being dumbass fucktards who are too stupid for the superbrained tiki to bear.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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