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Old 06-25-2009, 12:42 AM   #1
cellar smellar
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: californy, baby!
Posts: 403
Originally Posted by sugarpop View Post
They have also been talking about rewarding doctors for preventative treatment on patients ...
It's not the doctor's responsibility to take care of your body, it's *yours*. We need to given *you* an incentive to stay healthy -- by making you pay for your own health.

Another thing that is a major problem is the cost of care in the last few months of life. We need to find a way to reduce those costs.
It's physically impossible. If it costs less to extend your life, then you will live longer .. which increases the costs. It either costs an infinite amount of money to keep you alive, or someone must declare it's time for you to die. Who do you trust with that responsibility?

Here is a list of a few executive salaries for 2006-7
You're just trolling now. Capitalism is founded on people keeping what they earn. If you don't like it, you're free to attack capitalism. But don't go posting this crap pretending it has anything to do with health care.

I'm afraid this won't get done because Obama is cowtowing to the very same people who have held up health care reform for the past century.
That would be me. And I thank him for it.

Really, if republicans and the AMA and insurance companies had such great ideas on how to fix it, how come they haven't done anything? In my opinion they shouldn't get to have any input.
Now I'm confused. You want the government to take over health care, yet you admit they have no clue how to run it. What exactly are you arguing?
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