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Old 07-03-2009, 09:01 AM   #10
~~Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~~
Join Date: Apr 2006
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oh oh I have such a cute memory from yesterday and there isn't anyway to convey it to it's perfection with words. I guess you'd have to be there but I will try.

I needed a short shovel to mix compost into my soil this fall. I go to a used tool shop because I don't want to spend 5 dollars more on a new shovel, which if it hadn't been for the old time scene I saw, I might have passed on this old rusty thing. So this place is like the house version of someone's old greasy toolbox. Nothing is organized( much ) and scattered in places and I have to step over things and squeeze through but as I do manage to worm my way through I see there is a gathering of little old men at the back. I swear it looked like one of those old time shows where the old men are gathering having a hoot about one thing or another. About 6 men were sitting around a vacant place in one of the counters drinking coffee and laughing about some picture someone got of the internet. The only reason I know that much without snooping is I had to squeeze through to get to the back yard where the yard tools where. It was very Norman Rockwell - esk. I liked it.It amused me very much.

oh and I paid 5 dollars for a very old heavy short shovel but I felt it was worth the privilege of intruding on someone's front for an old mens club.
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