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Old 07-04-2009, 06:37 AM   #4240
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Upsetting is a strong word - disappointed and deflated works better.

I finally got a response to my enquiry regarding a refund of National Insurance for last year.
My calculations suggested it could be as much as £200, although no guidelines are given and I certainly haven't been able to find anything which satisfactorily explains how it is calculated, so I was wary of assuming too much.

Just as well - I am not due any refund apparently.

This is more about mood than any real practical issues. Although I've been impatient for a response, at least it kept the hope of a payoff alive - like not checking your lottery ticket until you get back to work on Monday morning. This has squashed that hope and I obviously hadn't proected myself well for this eventuality because I'm gutted.

Apart from a necklace I had my eye on, or maybe a dress - I kept changing my mind - the money was going to be saved against future needs. Come the Autoumn this might have meant my trip to Amsterdam, or money towards moving out. So it's not like it was an immediate need, a bill to be paid, money owed or anything like that. So I'm lucky in that way.

There's still a possibility I will receive an Income Tax refund, but I was using the same logic when I applied for that, so sadly it is far less likely, having received this response.

I'll just mourn the loss of my little fortune quietly this weekend and pick up where I left off Monday. After all, I'm back on a stricter diet from then, so it all fits in a with a more Spartan lifestyle anyway.
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