Thread: Terrier Breeds
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Old 07-07-2009, 05:43 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by capnhowdy View Post
Where I live, if Animal Control sees your dog outside a fence with no leash, it's a $150.00 fine.
I understand they are trying to expedite a law that prohibits "tethering" which is having any animal on a rope or chain unless it's a leash while you walk the animal.
If your dog is outside a fence with no leash, and you are nowhere in sight, you should be fined.

One of our neighbor's dogs (a pit bull puppy) got loose the other day and attacked a woman walking her dog (a shitzu). And the puppy KNEW the dog/woman he attacked. She lives in a small rental unit behind their house. She told the police she didn't want to file charges or have anything happen to the puppy. The shitzu that was attacked was taken to my vet. She (vet) told us the injured dog was OK, it wasn't really hurt. All the blood in the street (and there was a LOT) and on the dog actually belonged to the woman, because she was bitten numerous times while trying to get her dog away from the puppy.

I didn't even KNOW the people had a dog, and apparently they have THREE, all pit bulls. They never walk them, which is probably WHY there was a problem in the first place. I swear, some people just should not have dogs. Dogs need to walk, every day. Some need to walk more than others. But they ALL need to walk. AND they ALL need discipline (rules, not punishment).
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