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Old 07-16-2009, 02:51 PM   #1
Pensive Monkey
Purveyor of Brilliance
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: The dimpled chin of Illinois.
Posts: 72
I am nervooooous...

So a few weeks ago we put an offer in on a house. We gave them 24 hours to respond. The listing agent was shady, said there'd been a death in the seller's family and asked for a 24 hour extension. Which we gave, of course. Well the next day we hear that they rejected our offer entirely and accepted someone else's. I was displeased. Every time I drove by that house after that, I would think about how much I wanted the contract to fall through so that we could have another stab at it.

Well, over the weekend that's just what happened. So we finally have dibs on the house. We're getting it at a good price, and I'm very excited. But man, I'm nervous. I'm just afraid that something will go wrong with the financing. I'm not nervous about the buying part...the payments will be the same as our current rent, or even less. And we know we like the location and the house. I'm just afraid that something won't go right...we're supposed to close September 10. I know that will be here before we know it, but it's a long time to be wondering if all will go well.

It's just been such a long process. We've been house hunting since February. We've liked a number of houses, and this is the furthest we've gotten so far. I am trying to only be cautiously optimistic, but I will be crushed if this doesn't work out.
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginitive. ~ Oscar Wilde
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