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Old 07-22-2009, 11:38 AM   #10
Fucktard Resistance League
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: 1.14 acres of heaven
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They take a long time to get used to, and aren't recommended if you're doing a lot of reading. The "reading" space on the lens is quite small and you'll get a crook in your neck in no time.

The need for a separate pair of glasses for full-on reading or computer use.

ONE pair of glasses for general use to see whatever you need to see throughout your busy day ([limited] reading included). This is more important than you realize.

I have four pair of glasses that I regularly use. One for general all-purpose life, one for reading while not at home (a "travel" pair), one sitting on my desk at home for reading/computer use, and one for TV viewing (TV is small and far away = need for specially designed TV viewing glasses).

Yeah. I'm old. And you lot are going to be in my shoes someday - count on it. MWAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
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