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Old 07-23-2009, 07:28 AM   #287
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Yes, we can throw guesses out all day long as to why the results of a study that none of you have read might or might not have cultural flaws that our own educated and trained scientists are unable to compensate for.

Or, we can take the simplest route: the government has already admitted, twice, that in certain cases, vaccines and the MMR in particular can and did trigger certain types of autism in certain children. With 5,000+ identical cases waiting in line on the docket behind those two, and hundreds of thousands waiting in the wings, they had every motivation in the world not to set that precedent unless they absolutely had to, unless the evidence presented to them (which took years to present, by the way, it wasn't just a casual conversation on a message board) was so undeniable there was just no way around it.

The main consensus of scientific opinion on this subject is shifting, as science always does, and it is moving towards my side, not yours.
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