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Old 07-23-2009, 11:08 AM   #291
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Uh well no actually... there's no full published record of the court's proceedings as far as I can tell, but that was the father's position and largely the position of the 5,000 cases that Clod mentions. Mercury is damaging to mitochondria.

Since 2002, petitioners have filed approximately 4,900 claims arguing that vaccines caused the petitioners’ autism. The Court is holding hearings before Special Masters on three different theories: (1) that the Mumps-Measles-Rubella vaccine together with thimerosal causes autism; (2) that thimerosal alone causes autism; and (3) that MMR alone causes autism.
Poling was in this group. Now here's all you need to know about the "omnibus autism courts" set up for the 5,000 claims:

Originally Posted by WaPo
The shift from laboratory to courtroom means the outcome will hinge not on scientific standards of evidence but on a legal standard of plausibility -- what one lawyer for the families called "50 percent and a feather." That may make it easier for the plaintiffs to sway the panel of three "special masters," which is why the decision could not only change the lives of thousands of American families but also have a profound effect on the decisions of parents around the world about whether to vaccinate their children.
Bold mine. Despite this fact, the 5,000 cases have been dismissed via the Omnibus after the special masters found no evidence in three test cases (Poling was not one of the test cases).
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