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Old 10-14-2003, 10:52 AM   #106
Constitutional Scholar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
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Because YOU would never do such an evil thing as avoiding conscripted service?
I'm obviously against conscription, though I wouldn't avoid it. But George Bush is all for it. He doesn't mind sending other people to die, but when he's the one who has to fight, forget it.

1) He missed a physical and his commanders didn't know his whereabouts.

2) He was assigned to a base in Texas.

3) He applied for a transfer.

4) The transfer was turned down.

5) He stopped showing up in Texas and his commanders THINK he might have finished his service in Alabama even though there is no evidence to support it. This is known as AWOL - Absent without leave for a certain period and becomes desertion after 6 months.

6) Even if he did go to Alabama, he did so without a transfer and violated his orders, his assignment, etc. and was absent from the location he was assigned to which is still AWOL at the very least and technically becomes desertion (even if he's still on a military base) after 6 months.

There isn't one shred of evidence to suggest he finished his duty in Alabama but there is actual proof that his request for a transfer was denied.

George W. Bush is a corrupt, theiving, military deserter, a hypocrite, a coward, an idiot, a liar, a mass-murderer, an imperialistic tyrant, and a traitor who has violated his oath to god and the American people, and has endangered not only Americans, but the rest of the world through his irresponsible decisions and behavior. He is an enemy of America every bit as much as Osama Bin Laden although Bush is more dangerous to America than Bin Laden and Hussein combined.
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