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Old 07-26-2009, 01:37 PM   #351
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Savannah, Georgia
Posts: 21,393
Originally Posted by Redux View Post
Merc...I ask this in all sincerity

Why do you think other members would be inclined to engage you on the issue when for the most part, all you do is snip and post, and mostly from partisan editorials and sites (the ncpa being the latest) after day...hour after hour?
Your opinion on the issue is not really important to me. What you state is opinion. You are a partisan hack of the Obamy Administration and the Demoncrats. I am interested in the details of this reform process that is most likely going to come one way or another. It is very important that we keep an eye on the process and details. I am interested in exposing the double standards that the Demoncrats in Congress have shown in the last 2 years, and most importantly in the last 7 months. And if no one else is interested that is ok, but be careful what you wish for because once the deal is done by Congress it is pretty much what you have to live with. The devil is in the details on this issue and very few are looking at those details. This is another Rahm it through and Pelosi Push with very little chance for input by anyone other than the Demoncrats special interest groups and the deals they may have made behind closed doors in the White House. Who knows because they are covering up the details of those discussions. I fully support an overhaul of the system but not on the terms of any one party with a grip on power, be it Demoncrats or Republickins.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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