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Old 08-06-2009, 09:36 AM   #8
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Location: Melbourne, Oz.
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by ZenGum View Post
Yes, we do *normally* drive on the left down here. I don't know why that thing is on the right. I guess, in a truck like that, you drive wherever you damn well feel like.
He will be on that side out of courtesy. The picture was taken from the side of the road, and the truckie would have moved over to make sure not to buffet the car & pedestrian too much. I spent a bit of time with these guys, and the vast majority are extraordinarily courteous and professional.

On some roads in the outback there is only one lane tarmaced (ashphalted or blacktopped for our US cousins). The truck to be courteous will try and stay on the tarmac. The approaching city drivers will take this as a challenge, and try and drive in the made section too. Bad, bad, bad idea. The truckie will happily move out of the way onto the gravel at the side of the road. If the car moves over, the truck will be past in a few seconds, and everything is sweet. IF the truck moves over, there are 14-19 sets of wheels flicking stones at the other vehicle. The paintwork is blasted by stone chips, and a shattered window is guaranteed. It can be 100km or more between towns, and a new screen can take 3-5 days to arrive from the major centres.
Waiting for inspiration.....
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