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Old 08-07-2009, 01:22 PM   #1532
lobber of scimitars
Join Date: Jul 2001
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Manifold: Time - Stephen Baxter
Free Kindle download, wouldn't have read otherwise. Science Fiction, quite heavy on the science, quite heavier on the super-duper technological advancements we don't have to make the story work. There are apparently two other manifold books that are supposed to cover the same events from different viewpoints or something? Not going to read those.

Puritan Economic Experiments - Gary North

The Last Witchfinder - James Morrow
When I started reading this book, having no idea where the story would lead, I thought that I may end up drawing comparisons between it and Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver, because in the first few pages I was directed into a world that somehow managed to have room for both Witchfinders and Isaac Newton. In short, I was wrong. I should have known that James Morrow would dance on an entirely otherly oriented Cartesian plane, perhaps one that would be described, imprecisely, as "just off center."

Fortunately, I enjoy that kind of thing.

Each turn of the page brought a new adventure for our heroine, and for her compatriots, at least one of whom becomes a well-known Patriot.

Suspend your disbelief and have some fun.

I always wondered what my books were doing behind my back. I don't know whether to be worried or comforted by the information
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