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Old 08-07-2009, 04:49 PM   #7
Urbane Guerrilla
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It's more an exposé of the lack of watchdogging performed by the Democratic Party and the Democratic media. Media bias is a demonstrated fact, and it's killing the oldline media as we speak, precisely because those journalists don't work with any Republicans. They've become a Democratic-liberal monoculture everywhere that it matters to them, all unaware that monocultures seldom stay healthy for long. There aren't enough conservatives in the Old Media, and this is why they are dying on the vine.

Serpie, Dubya still discharged the office of the Presidency in a manner that encouraged me to vote for him twice (though not so much as to complain about Presidential term limits), and still leaves me quite pleased. Did his Presidential finger leave The Button just because he was at Crawford, TX? Shows you can be President and still have some time for the old home-acre. He wasn't a courtier, and enough time inside the Beltway and on the Hill tends to turn you into one -- hence the present shocks to Congresscritters playing out on townhall meetings on YouTube. They really didn't expect this kind of thing.

We didn't have any part of the Dubya Administration buzzing Manhattan with a four-engine jetliner.

Hell, we didn't even have flying saucers whizzing down Fifth Avenue hollering "Yahooooo!"

Or crop circles. I can imagine an outraged farmer shaking his fists at an empty sky over a mashed field of creamed winter wheat: "Ya god-damned doughnut-doing crop circle jerks!!"
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.

Last edited by Urbane Guerrilla; 08-07-2009 at 05:03 PM.
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