Thread: Gastric Bypass
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Old 08-10-2009, 01:44 PM   #51
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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I have PCOS, and insulin resistant diabetes type II. After 6 years of gaining weight REGARDLESS of what I ate, exercised, or anything, I was gaining a net of about 10 pounds per year. I finally pushed my GP into letting me see an Endocrinologist.

We discussed all the issues, and she said that the Metformin is the first drug of choice because it is one of the few diabetes/PCOS drugs that help insulin uptake and don't make you uptake fat. (Fat loves to absorb estrogen, and estrogen is a fat's a vicious cycle.)

So. If that didn't work, she said, I could go on Byetta. That's the twice daily injection, but it has a lot more side effects.

The last resort was bypass. She didn't go into details, but she said that the bypass actually changed the way the body metabolizes, and that has everything to do with the way it processes sugar/carbs.

If my current treatment doesn't work, I'm looking at the bypass, and I'm at once terrified and filled with hope.

Keep us updated, Razz! Prayers to you and yours.

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