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Old 08-17-2009, 02:24 AM   #31
changed his status to single
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Oh, FFS! i'm not a superstitious guy but I might become that wierd "won't touch rough gold doorknobs on the second thursday of every other month starting with j" kind of guy.

i honestly gave my recent update with genuine joy in my heart. LL since then has abruptly returned to the extreme emotional instability i witnessed pre-miracle drug. picture an eight year old sobbing for the the second hour for the 5th time within 48 hours stating, "i don't know why i'm crying, it just won't stop". he then continued on to the heartwrenching, "can i just go to sleep and not wake up?"

He's fucking 8! Let me reiterate... 8!!!

coinciding with this abrupt and painful reversal is a bizarre muscle spasm that causes him to look like a parkinson's patient. he bends at the waist, shifts to the right, then doubles over. he is completely unaware that he is doing it and in fact has said, "did i just do that thing again?"


for my many misteps and transgressions in life i deserve unthinkable consequences but this boy deserves nothing but... well, he's 8. he deserves to be a normal 8 year old.

out of the blue after 2 months of seemingly miraculous results the kid has developed the most unexpected of side effects from his miracle drug.

Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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