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Old 10-18-2003, 04:54 PM   #1
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Everyday heros for freedom and justice

The following are some pics sent to me today from my cousin. He's flying Cobras for the Army in Bosnia. His job is to provide cover fire/ protect VIPs flying in and out. Apparently this area is still hot from some of the other unposted pics.

I can't explain how impressed I am with him and millions of others in our military. After the 911 attacks he signed up with the Reserves and was called to fly helos again. This time he was 42 years old, had a wife and 2 kids and a great job (he's a petro engineer in Tx). Even before he was called back, I always thought of him as a hero. He's a great man whether in a suit and tie or a flight suit. My prayers are with him and all the dedicated soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen doing their jobs voluntarily, near and far from home. You are all everyday heros.

I'd like to express a most sincere thank you to all veterans. We do appreciate your sacrifice.

first pic: the Cobra you see is cuz slang's

second: a flock of em as seen from the air

third: one of the VIPs
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