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Old 09-16-2009, 12:14 AM   #854
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by Radar View Post
I'm disgusted at the fact that Obama doesn't say, "This health care reform will happen and it will have a public option whether Republicans like it or not."

and the fact that he has made a deal with the pharmaceutical companies not to negotiate lower prices for drugs or import drugs from Canada. The whole point is to lower costs and use greater buying power as a way to do it.

I know someone with lung cancer and his meds are over 15 thousand dollars a month. That's insane. The drugs do not cost a hundred thousandth of that to produce. I see putting drugs that can save lives out of the price range of people as an affront to humanity and a disgusting display of profiteering on the human suffering.
I agree. I am MORE than disgusted that he made deals with big pharma, and I am MORE than disgusted that he is caving on other things as well. He hasn't stood up to republicans the way he should either. HE WON. THEY LOST. But he is allowing them to decide the debate of what gets in the bill? It is sickening.
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