Thread: Life's a...
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Old 09-16-2009, 08:45 AM   #29
Constitutional Scholar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
Posts: 4,006
In February, my job was stolen out from under me by a "friend" that I hired and I regret leaving the security of working for a large company like Siemens. My father has been having legal issues because he tried to help a woman who was having a custody battle and in order to discredit my father, her ex-husband accused my dad of a horrible crime which he didn't do. Dad spent a year waiting for a trial and they kept pushing the date back. He was scared into accepting a plea for a crime he didn't commit because he was facing life in prison without parole vs. 6 months of house arrest.

My father and mother are both in failing health. Both have diabetes and high blood pressure. Dad can't feel his legs below his knees and won't see a doctor about it. Mom and step-dad have no jobs and have nearly exhausted unemployment and don't know what to do when it ends. Mom needs kidney surgery, but Kaiser keeps screwing around and moving her operation out which is even worse because her health insurance is about to run out.

I packed up the family and moved to the other side of the country to get a new start and buy a house with my father in Orlando, but he got frustrated with the Real Estate agents and bought a house in Ocala instead. This has made it virtually impossible for me to find a job in my field.

I spent some money to get my hot dog cart, but need more capital to make repairs to the cart, get all the paperwork, inventory, etc. to actually open the business.

All of my friends and business connections are on the west coast, so I feel helpless and useless out here. I hate the fact that my wife found work instantly, but I can't and I'm basically Mr. Mom out here. I like to work and I'm getting stir-crazy in this house everyday.

I miss my friends, family, and the food in Los Angeles.

My wife does nails for a living and she's an independent contractor (so they can avoid minimum wage) so I have no health insurance for my wife, daughter, or myself which frightens me.

My problems seem small next to some of yours, but they still keep me up at night.
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
- George Carlin
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