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Old 09-21-2009, 08:14 AM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
The glatt household has been to this playground. It's really not near us at all, but we had heard good things about it, so we drove the 25 minutes to get there. Very unusual for us to drive to a playground, since we have half a dozen in walking distance.

It was a couple years ago and it was so memorable that I recognized the place from the pictures before reading the text. Very popular. The small parking lot was full when we got there, and we had to wait for someone to leave before we could park. It was even crazier when we left, cars were lined up on the highway outside to get in.

It's not near any residential neighborhoods, so everyone drives there.

The entire place is paved with that ground up tire mulch stuff in bright colors. The equipment was different from anything we have seen before. It was clearly designed for wheelchair access, but was still fun for the glatt kids.

There weren't many wheelchairs there. But the strollers were everywhere. It was very stroller friendly. You could easily roll the baby in the stroller right up to where the older child was playing. You didn't have the typical mulch and sandbox barriers in your way. Also, kids were running around like crazy. Much more than at a regular playground. The entire place was just begging you to start sprinting. The paved rubber tire mulch stuff went everywhere and felt so good to walk on that you just wanted to run. So every kid was running.

There's a neat maze, and a jungle gym thing that has a wheelchair ramp going up it.

Pretty cool place, but we'll probably never go back.
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