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Old 09-24-2009, 06:07 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
What expertise... who to go to, for getting around the rules and limits we want them to work within? Who owes them favors to support their pet pork projects? Which closets hold the skeletons? Which staffers really are in charge of the elected rep's office(vote)?

Seems to me that's anti-transparency.
Around and around we go, huh?

From a pratical perspective, I dont want the oversight of the largest public institution in the world to be in the hands of 545 men and women, NONE OF WHOM has more than 10-12 years of experience on the job. I think that is crazy!

I want a high level of public policy experience on issues across the board and I want continuity in the legislative process.

I understand the entrenched problems that need to be addressed and I am not convinced that term limits would address them more effectively than more comprehensive campaign finance and lobbying reform with strong enforcement penalities.

From a philosphical perspective, I do not believe in limiting choice...either for the people to vote for any qualified candidate or elected offiicals being told how long then can serve.

I support Constitutional amendments that extend the rights of the people (19th amendment - women's right to vote, 26th amendment - lowering voting age to 18)

I do not support Constitutional amendments that limit or restrict any existing rights of the people.

But now I am just repeating myself.

If a term limit amendment is introduced, many here will obviously support it, I will oppose it, and you will probably be on the side with greater public support.

But it aint gonna happen anytime soon.
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