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Old 09-27-2009, 08:32 PM   #958
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
Are you a retard?

She was speaking to when I was on active duty, I do not receive medical care from the VA. It is not free medicine. People who get medical care in the military or from the VA get it as a condition and part of a contract they make with the military. If you would like to join up and have the same benefit after you pay your dues I am sure that someone could look into that for you, if you can make the grade. It is nothing of the sort of a non sequitur. But you are starting to make me think that you have some kind of problem understanding the difference between benefits after a contractual obligation and something that people get for nothing more than popping out some group of spawn from numerous unkown babies daddies. There is a huge difference. One group gets their care for free, one gets it after the delivery of and in the performance of a mutual contractual agreement between two parties. Get it?
Watch this... I BEG YOU.

If you think the only people who need affordable health care are poor people popping out babies you are delusional. Everyone in this country, including you Merc, is a heartbeat away from losing everything they own because of some health disaster. In that program I listed, TWO CEOs of insurance companies said they would not be able to get insurance under the current system if they left their jobs. Nice. The truth is, insurance is great until you really need it. Because if something happens and you really DO need it, and you aren't lucky enough to work somewhere where you are pretty much guaranteed the very best insurance, the likelihood of your being dropped is very high, and then good luck finding another company to cover you at a rate you can afford.

For example, in that report, a couple of people had complications with pregnancy, and their bills were close to a million $$$ each. Could you afford to pay that if your insurance company decided they wouldn't pay it for some stupid reason (like you didn't report having acne or something equally unrelated to pregnancy)? Or what if you found out your kid was autistic? Because most insurance companies won't cover things like that. People are being forced to stay in jobs they don't like because they can't afford to lose their health insurance. Some people are having to get divorced or are being forced to stay in lower income jobs so they can get Medicaid for their children because they can't afford the coverage for certain illnesses, or they can't get coverage at all. WTF? And you support that?

And ftr, while I think those serving in the military deserve government health care, I do not believe they are any more special than anyone else in society. They do not deserve it simply because they are in the military. There are plenty of equally deserving people out there who can't afford insurance for one reason or another. People deserve treatment when they get cancer, or diabetes, or lupus, and they should not have to lose their homes (or DIE) in order to get it. Our health should not be a "for profit" item, like sneakers or corn or derivatives.
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