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Old 09-27-2009, 10:57 PM   #969
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Originally Posted by Pico and ME View Post
Im ambivalent about a lot of this. My SIL is French, so I am quite aware how it works in France. In fact, early in their marriage, when they didnt have health insurance, she was able to get a cyst removed in her breast when she visited cost to her. Too bad Doug didnt have the same opportunity.

So this bill is going to require or mandate health insurance coverage, like it does auto insurance?
Possibly. We won't know what's in it until it's done. But yea, that is one of things under consideration. The problem remains though, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. It's friggin' ridiculous. And the way the Baucus bill is written, it is one giant giveaway to the insurance industry (or as Bill Maher said, a giant blow job... ), according to Wendell Potter, and ex-VP for Cigna. He also said the Baucus bill would put more of the middle class in bankruptcy due to coverage being dropped and denied.

I think insurance should cost the same amount for everyone. There should be no "pools" for some people to get lower prices while it remains outrageously priced for individuals or people with pre-sxisting conditions. THAT is part of the problem. That and the fact that insurance companies make WAY too much profit. Health care should not be about profit. yea, yea capitalism and all of that. But some things should just not be for sale like that, and LIFE and HEALTH should be two things that are not about profit.

This is why we need a SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM, and for those who think the government can't run anything right, fine, let it be run by a private company, and PAID FOR by the government. Get rid of all the insurance companies. A single payor system would automatically reduce costs, because there is no advertising, and it would cut down dramatically on adminstrative costs.
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