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Old 09-28-2009, 08:56 PM   #982
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Savannah, Georgia
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Originally Posted by Redux View Post
If you work for a small business or self-employed, you must purchase that insurance on the open market and pay the full cost yourself.
SO basically if you are a small business owner you are screwed.

You might choose to forgo health insurance if it would require 20-25% of your income.
Not an option, everyone will be required to carry it. The middle income people will take the hardest hit or pay the fine to the Feds.

Personally, I think accessible and affordable quality health care should be a right for all citizens as it is in every other western industrialized country.
Thanks for that statement. Please show us where it is a "Right" of "every other western industrialized country"...

While I might share your ultimate goal. I dont think we can get there from here. The political will is not there.
Which is exactly why I have been saying all along that you are about to get a big ass bill that your grand children will be paying off that will not fix the problems with the industry. And yet YOU continue to support this BS as if it is a fix. It is not.

I prefer a more pragmatic approach....half a cake is better than none.
BS again. You are about to accept a less than half empty glass of solutions to fix a problem that is much larger than what the DEMONcrats are putting on the table. I am at the point of letting them have their way to watch them fail and allow them to take the fall. The solutions proposed to this point do not fix the problems in our system.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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