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Old 09-30-2009, 07:41 AM   #985
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Originally Posted by classicman View Post
I couldn't agree more - Keep as many competitors as possible. The last thing we want is monopoly and control by a bloated inefficient giant. Long live Capitalism!
So how would you stimulate greater competition, given that it hasnt happened by leaving it to the insurance companies alone.

Why do you think something like the government administered (not government controlled) Federal Employees Health Benefits program wont work at a more macro level like in a proposed public option (or national insurance exchange) currently includes 10 or so private insurance companies providing more than 20 different plan choices (at varying premium rates) and I dont think any objective observer would characterize it as a bloated inefficient giant....but it does control costs in order for any particular private carrier to be include among the provider choices. Hell, even Medicare, with all its faults, has relatively low administrative costs compared to the private sector.

Just throwing out the same old rhetoric....monopoly, bloated inefficient giant, is not a very helpful solution.

Last edited by Redux; 09-30-2009 at 07:56 AM.
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