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Old 10-28-2003, 09:47 AM   #6
Umm ... yeah.
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Arkansas, USA
Posts: 949
      Dude, he must have done a hell of a hatchet job on that interview then. Sure she didn't know what to say when he was contradicting himself or saying crazy shit but tough questions?
      For instance he went off about the Times giving a glowing review on a book that slammed him. She quoted that review as saying that the book was like a long bumper sticker and O'Reilly asked, "You don't think that's positive?" Obviously it's not. She didn't respond well I'll admit, but that's hardly a tough question. More like crazy shit. Also, he bitched about the book saying he lied about winning a Peabody, he said he didn't say that, then said he misspoke once and said Peabody when he meant a Polk, then said flatly that he never said he won a Peabody. WTF? He did say he corrected the statement on the air. I was good with that, but why say you didn't say it after you say you said it and corrected it? This seemed to throw her too.
      The bitch of it was that he was on the attack against her when she was being more than fair. Trying to give him a chance to get personal viewpoints out. He cooled as the interview went on. I think maybe he realized she wasn't trying to flambe his ass. He was very cool in the second half actually.
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