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Old 10-29-2003, 02:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Conjunction Junction
Posts: 168
SE US Anoles

They are fun l'il guys. Over here in Statesboro, GA, they are everywhere.

I used to play with them when I was a kid. I would catch one and tap lightly on his nose, which makes him get all scary-open-mouthed-threatening, and I would stick my finger in, which he would promptly clamp down on. That felt, at worse, like a clothes pin on my finger (no teeth). Once I got three of them hanging off my index finger, side by side. Eventually they will give up and let go, though.

Another trick is when you catch one, hold him carefully in your hand for a minute or two, and your body heat alone will sedate them. I would perch them with their bellies flat on the pad of my thumb, where they would promptly go to sleep.
Word Wrangler and Keeper of the Cuttlefish.
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