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Old 10-11-2009, 10:02 AM   #2024
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Mum. Sorry. It's all about close proximity, she is a good person and I do love her.
This is venting.

Mum's friend (Breda) has terminal cancer.
Yesterday she was taken into a hospice. Don't know if this is a worldwide thing, but here they are basically way-stations for people to die in comfort. They receive medical treatment of course, but the majority of people only leave a hospice to die at home. It's the end-game.

Mum's bereaved friend (Maureen) is over for Sunday dinner today. Yes, a good example of my Mum being a great person - she comes over most Sundays. For the last 30 mins, all Mum's done is run down B's two children, their reactions, what they haven't done, the state of B's house (no different from when she was well from what I remember) and even my sister for not taking her children to visit before B sank too far.

And yet she's saying this to a woman who - behind her back - she criticises for not getting on with her life, not picking herself up, being weak. And she also criticises M's son at every opportunity (not to her face of course) for not supporting his mother.

I know this is her way of dealing with things.
I know she buries her own feelings this way.
I know pretty much everyone who knows her thinks she's amazing because she can deal with anything and she always offers help, and she's so practical and she's not afraid, and she's so real and all that and everything.

And I do love her.

I just hate to hear the behind the scenes shredding of people who just don't deal with things the way she does. And of course the ensuing nastiness directed at Dad because it does affect her after all. Both of us have come in for renewed criticism this week for our hearing problems. Of course we can't help it. Of course she's only irritated because sh's upset. But it's not nice. I'd offer it up for souls in Purgatory if I was so inclined. I'm sure Dad does.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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