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Old 10-13-2009, 10:03 AM   #8
Operations Operative
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 479
Why I don't believe in the religion of 'global' warming:
1) Fill a glass halfway with salt water. (A 3% salt solution, if you can manage it);
2) Put an ice cube in the water. Mark the current water level on the side of the glass;
3) Let the ice cube melt (via hair dryer, microwave oven, window sill, etc. It doesn't matter how);
4) Notice that the new water level has not gone up after the ice melted. If you have a large enough glass and water sample, you might even notice that the water level has gone DOWN slightly.

This, fellow bipeds, is SCIENCE. Anybody can replicate this experiment. Every time, the results will be the same. Yet Al Gore and his whiny followers continue to ignore science and push their contrary religion on us.

Also, I'm curious about the plumbing for the floating condo. Please tell me they've got some flexible tubes that tether the building with the mainland, for delivering fresh water in and carrying the waste out. Oh, please tell me that it's not an experiment in self-sufficiency where the fresh water gets pumped from the pond that the nasty stuff gets flushed into.
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