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Old 10-23-2009, 04:04 PM   #3
Major Inhabitant
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Silver Spring MD
Posts: 128
It has been done over a rugby team.

"It came in February after Wales won in Cardiff with Gavin Henson clinching victory.

Victory ... Gavin Henson, left, and Gareth Thomas celebrate Wales' win over England

Victory ... Gavin Henson, left, and Gareth
Thomas celebrate Wales' win over England

Geoffrey said: “I’d told my pal Gethin Probert before the game that Wales didn’t stand a chance.

“It wasn’t a bet, but I said I’d cut my balls off if we won.

“I listened to the game on the radio at home by myself. After the match I got up for a pee and saw the cutters in the bathroom.

“Gethin had left them after repairing the chain on my toilet. I remembered what I’d said and thought he had left them for me.

“I thought, ?Oh no, I haven’t got to do anything like that have I’? Then I thought, ?You can do it’.

“So I started hacking away at my tackle. It took about ten minutes and there was quite a lot of pain ? but I just kept going.

“The cutters were blunt so I had to keep snipping. I cut my penis as well. There was a lot of blood but not as much as you would expect.”

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