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Old 11-13-2009, 10:38 PM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 8,360
1) How far away from where you live is the nearest village/town/city/... called Plymouth?

I have no fucking clue, but it's probably pretty far.

2) When was the last time you walked on a beach? Which beach?

1992, Mazatlan, after my dad's funeral. Wow. I'm overdue.

3) What's you favorite swimming stroke (deduct 10 points for males answering breaststroke).

Breast stroke. . . . there are points?

4) What's your favortie ice cream flavor?

Coffee, chocolate, and mint chocolate. Oooh, now I want some together! It's still 70 degrees here, I can go to the ice cream parlor. BRB

[ice cream interlude]

5) Which external part of your head bothers you the most and why?

I'd say hair, 'cause everyone hates their hair sometime, but really chin, because I just have never liked mine

6) Do you think Flying Spaghetti Monster is offensive?

No. But I've never met him

7) What is the most expensive light/light fitment you have ever bought? Flashlights and headlights and spotlights etc count alongdide household lighting.

Headlight, probably; maybe a $50 table lamp. Is "fitment" a word?

8) Have you ever regifted something? What?

I've regifted heirlooms to my children, does that count? Otherwise, very minor things.

9) What is your favorite number and why?

I don't have a favorite number. Filthy things. Unless it's $120 million in the megalottery.
"Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards!"
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