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Old 11-19-2009, 12:38 PM   #1329
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Originally Posted by classicman View Post
I am for this TYPE of program. The claims of fiscal solvency after 75 years must be a joke though. Nice of them to project something so far out after they are all dead and buried.
Provisions regarding a long-term care insurance program and assisted living programs are included in the House bill.

I would agree with you that these programs are essential for serving those who currently are grossly under served in meeting their health care needs.

It is also true that these provisions are probably among the more expensive provisions.

Where I might disagree with you is why the bills should exclude other equally necessary provisions to serve the 30+ million uninsured and/or to address the failures in the current system for those covered through employer-based plans.

Most of the provisions below are in both the House and Senate bills, with minor differences..... the form of a public option and the structure of an Insurance Exchange, the revenue sources, mandates on small businesses, and the anti-trust exemptions.

Both bills:
end the practice of insurance companies denying coverage to anyone with pre-existing conditions.

prevent insurance companies from raising rates or dropping coverage for those who suddenly face a serious illness.

cap annual out-of-pocket expenses so that no one faces significant unanticipated expenses or goes bankrupt as a result of a medical crisis.

drop all copays for preventive care.

ends any existing lifetime caps on what insurance companies will currently pay.

provide affordable choices to the uninsured through an Exchange offering multiple plans with different levels of coverage at different costs.

place limits on the administration costs as percent of premiums, thus limiting premium increases.

end the market monopoly in many states, where choices are currently severely restricted, thus opening those markets to increased competition....and increased competition breeds lower costs for consumers.
I still dont know which of these provisions you dont think are essential or, at the very least, an improvement over the current system.
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