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Old 11-25-2009, 10:57 PM   #1415
Urbane Guerrilla
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Originally Posted by Redux View Post
I'll try to keep the defensiveness to a minimum, even with the massive misinformation campaign in place, much of which is perpetuated and regurgitated here on a regular basis.
I'm afraid the misinformation is being regurgitated by you, Redux. You're working from the flawed assumption that 1) it will work, and better than the VA does, 2) that it will not eviscerate the dollar when the inflation they're buying at length arrives, and 3) that a bureaucracy will be a less expensive means of determining medical need than the patient-doctor relationship now. Bureaucracies do not save money or generate wealth. Only the private sector can do that.

We question these three points through actual experience of government programs, Redux. Oddly, for a man of your parts, you believe in the efficacy of all of them. There is a disconnect between your raw intellectual powers and your politics and social values which I cannot fathom, nor credit. Perhaps you have no experience of government.

No, no: we'll all live much better once we minimize government involvement in our lives down to the barest-bones necessary minimum, which is far lower than what you seem to prefer. Privatization is salvation.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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