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Old 11-26-2009, 11:49 AM   #11
~~Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~~
Join Date: Apr 2006
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I think by the time I was 9 I knew all brits didn't drink tea with their pinky extended. The jury is still out on the creme in the tea bit though. :P

no really...I want to know * huge smile* I really think if I went there and ordered tea and didn't put milk in it I'd be given blank looks.

Another thing I assume is that American's wear more tennis shoes and jeans and Europeans wear more dresses and non athletic shoes so if I don't want to look like a tourist if and when I ever go there I should dress more posh? Is this true?

ps. I like jeans but with boots or shoes although I've been wearing my tennis shoes lately because my boots are too nice and my shoes sole is lifted.
( geez what a confessional)
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