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Old 11-09-2003, 09:28 PM   #3
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Originally posted by sycamore
If they develop some sort of disease as a result of it, that's their own damned fault.
I agree. BUT we all end up paying for their healthcare and the costs of housing them when they cant work. If you could opt out of the system via some waiver, I say, go for it.

Thats the rationale for many of the restrictions on us. If there was a way to release the taxpayer from liability, we'd see a different society. People would be proactive. There would be cautionary tales walking around everywhere. Maybe people would feel more responsible for their own health (wealth, etc).

Originally posted by sycamore
Having said that, many Americans do eat rather poorly.
That's being polite about it. If junk food became illegal tomorrow, I'd be a lifer by Tuesday. But the attitudes of many are changing. I'll be god fucking damned if the govt tells me what to eat and not eat. To avoid whatever BS plan they will eventually put into place, to curtail the rising healthcare costs, I will make the changes gradually to my lifestyle. You're making similar changes too. So's Toad. So are millions of others. Best to get the new habits before they become laws or some tangent regulation.The Fat Police can kiss my ass.

Originally posted by sycamore
And I don't think folks aren't going hungry b/c of over-consumption by the first poverty seems to exist primarily due to corrupt government.
Seems pretty reasonable to me. However, there are some people that are hell bent on reducing meat consumption. One in partucular I knew would quite often talk about the cost to the world of raising animals for food by depriving people of fruits and vegetables that would be consumed by the livestock. She'd give money to groups premoting this agenda too.

There is also the "blame America first" crowd. We are the reason for the suffering and starvation of most of the world becuase we eat so much junk. I'd feed em to the pigs myself, but there are a lot of them out there!
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