Thread: What the hell
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Old 12-07-2009, 09:31 AM   #57
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Exercise, a proper diet, getting out into the sun at least 25 minutes a day - these all help. I have suffered from severe depression all my life, and believe me, I feel your pain. Yes, a kitten will help and I have discovered that my full grown cats help as well. If nothing else they give you something to be responsible for, so that you hesistate before taking that oh-so-final action, If your depression has been going on for a while, please go see a doctor. There is nothing wrong with taking anti-depressants. I have been on several and am currently taking strattera

Your depression may see eternal now, but the one thing in life we can expect is change. Sooner or later the evil mood is going to lift at least a little - maybe a lot. When I was a sophmore in college, I became terribly depressed over the end of a love afair. The university had a gigantic library with 3 sub basements. I spent the entire winter in the deepest basement where all the ancient periodicals were stored. I read the stores and pretended that I lived in 1910. I do not reccomend the sub-basenebt of a library for the clinically depressed, but one day I walked out of there and spring had arrived and the sun was shining. The depression had run its course and I felt normal again.

Please, please don't choose a permanent solution to temporary problem. I have so been through the wringer with the depression. If you need advice or just a friendly person to let it all out to, please PM me. - Sam
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