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Old 12-11-2009, 04:51 AM   #4901
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Sorry to hear that Mon - I know how I'd feel as an adult, so Hebe must have been shattered.

Tulip - bloody UPS. Still, it's up to Amazon to make the complaint, as the contract is with them. In the mean time at least you haven't lost out (apart from time and frustration).

This isn't really upsetting, so much as a minor disappointment:
When I opened my bedroom door this morning there was a big, brown cardboard box there. "Ooooh!" I said, only to hear this mimicked from downstairs by Mum & Dad. Secret Santa!

Mum shouted up, "Don't make a mess opening it up there in your nice clean room!"
"No," I replied, "I'm going to bring it downstairs to make a mess opening it down there!"

So with box under my arm and camera in my hand I came down to start the documenting process, and to decide whether I really should save it.

By the time I got downstairs, however, I had realised something. It was posted in the UK. An unlikely Secret Santa. And it was very light for its size. And I'd ordered something from eBay on Mum's behalf that was large but light (a device for fitting surgical stockings, for Grandad).

I don't know who was more disappointed - my parents or me!
I opened it to be sure, and confirmed it was Grandad's device, not a lovely prize for me.

Silly to be adversely affected. It means I don't have to worry about my eBay purchase. And after all I still have a Secret Santa to look forward to. Just somehow I feel cheated!
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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