Thread: Bush the doof
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Old 01-19-2001, 04:51 PM   #18
Simulated Simulacrum
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Pennsylvannia
Posts: 39
It seems to me that the three branches, at all levels, seem to be trying to do things other than that which they are tasked for.

The legislature is content to let the judicial and executive branches interpret the laws instead of creating new ones.

It is easier for the judicial to pull this off since historically they have interpreted the law... but the executive branch can approximate this through selective enforcement.

Lately, at least in my neck of the woods selective enforcement seems to be more popular, and there hue and cry is coming from the citizens, not the judicial branch.

Fortunately for us citizens, it is somewhat difficult to go to far with selective enforcement, at least at the local level. It's always been the case... if you are the town constable and you pull out in front of someone, well, lets just say that no one wants to drag this guy into court so an amicable arrangement is arrived at.

Same thing happens at all levels!

As far as people complaining about the judicial branch taking too much latitude in interpreting the laws, that too seems to be gaining attention (rightfully so) - I just want to know why once again it is the citizens complaining and not our legislators?
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