Thread: Christmas Food
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Old 12-28-2009, 02:20 PM   #6
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 378
So I made my first batch of yogurt with my new yogurt maker, and I have to say, its not as sweet at store bought, and is a bit thicker, but quite good. I was scared at the calorie content at first, but then realized the 229 calories is for an 8 ounce container, where most store bought single serves are 3-4ounces. That was for Strawberry. Even with fresh Strawberries its basically compote before its added. The plain yogurt was 149 calories for 8 ounces... so as soon as I can get over the not sweet factor, I will be loving the healthy side of it!

Also I have an ice cream maker, and the frozen yogurt is 1/3 of the calories as regular ice cream, and cheaper to make

I am making a plain yogurt as we speak that will be for frozen yogurt, and a cream cheese style cheese, as well as enough starter for 2 more batches.

Anyone else have a yogurt maker, with recipes you like? I have found a few, but they are fairly basic. I am loving the fact I can make yogurt for my friend (with soy milk) and her mom (with Stevia sweetener). I was thinking of Clodfobble when I found the soy milk recipe... Can your kids have Soy milk, or rice milk?
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