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Old 01-02-2010, 11:09 PM   #15
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by SamIam View Post
snip~I go to the Methodist Church, although I can't give a reason for this.
Given my druthers, I'd be Buddhist, but our town is too small to have a Buddhist group.
You answered you're own question... group. It's a social thing that's natural for humans, gathering with people you are basically comfortable with. In the beginning that comfort comes from having something in common. Later you're even more comfortable because you get to know the other people.

That's also why people keep going back to the same bars.

It seems all the self described "recovering Roman Catholics" I talk to, relate the same tale of fear and loathing in their church/youth relationship. It makes it easier for me to understand their not only leaving the church, but rabid anti-religion attitude. It's a shame they didn't have a better experience in their formative years.

I remember my 2nd wife railing, many years later, how on a high school English test she said, "John loves Mary" was a proper sentence. The Nun marked it wrong because, "John can only love God."

That should have tipped me off that the bitch held grudges forever.
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