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Old 01-03-2010, 01:16 PM   #5
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Do a spoiler warning if you're going to do spoilers:P

I never took to McCoy. But i think a lot of that was to do with the way the show itself was going. The BBC had taken against it, or rather the head of BBC had decided he hated DrWho. So despite the fact that it was one of its most saleable products, it got no input of cash. Basically, whatever a programme brought in, got thrown into a general pot, rather than acknowledged and fed back into tjhat programme. The very last episode in the 80s (when it was announced that it wuold be cancelled) beat Coronation Street and match of the day in ratings, but none of that mattered once the BBC Controller had decided it was time for it to go. Consequently the budget for Doctor Who got smaller and smaller during the 80s and the pressure from on high to make it 'funny' and more 'family oriented' was very strong: hence the bringing in of light entertainment stars like McCoy and Langford. TStrangely enough though, whilst the first McCoy series was very lightweight, the later stories of his tenure werre very dark in tone and his doctor a much darker doctor than had previously been seen. Something I really didn't see or appreciate at the time. It's onlyreally in the last few years during my rediscovery of Doctor Who that I've realised just how dark and manipulative McCoy's Doctor actually was.

I suspect that Smith will make a good Doctor. I didn't like that couple of minutes of him, after the regen sequence....but I never do like that bit. It's always a little bit wank imo. I've seen every regen, including the 15-20 seconds which is all that remains extant of the First Doc's final episode, and the only two new Docs I haven't completely hated were Colin Baker (6th Doc) and David tennant (10 Doc). Even Peter Davison (my Doctor!) was wank in the first few seconds after regen.

I've seen the preview clip of the next series and it looks good....except for that 'Geronimo' catchphrase....please please drop that *sends a prayer to Moffat*

@ Sperlock: yes there were a lot of unanswered questions. If there are any in particular, that you want answering, it's possible I may be able to help :P Some of them relate to Doctor Who mythology and I may be able to answer some (though not all).
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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