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Old 01-04-2010, 08:38 PM   #1642
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Why would this not surprise me. Hipocritical scumbags. Transparency my ass...

Democrats may side-step conference committee on health care

Washington Bureau - As Congressional Democrats attempt to arrive at a final healthcare bill, they appear increasingly likely to forego the formal conference committee process for merging House and Senate versions of legislation, instead opting for closely-held negotiations between leaders from the two chambers.

Under that scenario, aides said, the House would be likely to take up and amend the Senate bill before sending that bill back to the Senate for a vote.

In theory, the Senate could amend the new version and send it back to the House, triggering another round in a process sometimes called "ping-ponging.

But Democratic leaders will seek to draft a compromise version of the healthcare overhaul that would be acceptable to both the House and Senate, opening the way for final congressional action later this month or in early February.

House leaders will return to Washington this week to begin talks in earnest and to chart the path forward--and aides stressed Monday that no final decision had been made. The entire House Democratic caucus will meet Thursday before the House returns to business next week.

Typically, competing bills are reconciled by a conference committee composed of House and Senate chairmen of key committees. But Democrats on the Hill are free to fashion an alternative and more informal procedure because they aren't relying on Republican votes to pass the final bill.

For congressional Democrats and the White House, the advantages of the alternative process are numerous. Bypassing a conference committee would deny Senate Republicans--who have promised to use every procedural tactic available to delay the bill--an opportunity to filibuster motions in the Senate to appoint and instruct representatives to the committee.

And, forcing the House to vote on a Senate bill would prevent the House GOP from using a stalling maneuver known as a "Motion to Recommit" to hold up the bill there.,6833132.story
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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