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Old 01-23-2010, 11:22 AM   #2
the crowd goes wild!
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Originally Posted by Clodfobble View Post
You know that feeling, when you get a "lump in your throat" because you're about to cry, except it isn't really a lump, it's more like a very specific muscle cramp?

I've been having that muscle cramp all goddamn day. It's inside my throat, so it's not like I can really stretch it, except by drinking water in large swallows. But all that means is that my neck has hurt all day and I've been peeing all day.
I hate that for ya. Hope it gets better. One of the worst pains I get is a charlie horse in my tongue. Weird, I know, but from time to time I get a very bad charlie horse under my chin in the tongue muscle and it hurts like hell. A result of a head neck injury back in 1988.
"The pride system tends to intensify the self-hate against which it is supposed to be a defense, since any failure to live up to one's tyrannical shoulds or of the world to honor one's claims leads to feelings of worthlessness." Bernard J. Paris, Ph.D.
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