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Old 01-24-2010, 08:57 AM   #9
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Right, union leadership doesn't speak for all the members. Corporate heads don't speak for all the stockholders. But by controlling the money & microphone, they would have the combined power.
The funny thing is, I believe that there was a law passed (by Republican Congress) that restricted a Union's right to use members money for political ads without their express permission.

I think that something similar is being proposed for corporations, but I think with what's in place right now, the unions are more constrained than corporations.

This is just a guess. I'm too tired to fact check right now.

BTW, what's really annoying is how states race to the bottom in providing 'corporate friendly' laws and use the commerce clause to force someone in Idaho who gets screwed to sue the company in Delaware. The reason that there is no limit on credit card interest rates is due to a combination of the Supreme Court and the state of South Dakota.
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