Thread: outdated slang
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Old 01-26-2010, 08:07 AM   #63
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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I've been mulling this over, and I think there probably are some really outdated ones i use a lot. Many of the ones I already listed are pretty outdated (cool for example). But there are some more obviously so. One I use a lot is 'shine on': an expression of surprise, frustration or exasperation. I suspect that'd a tad archaic now.

Mum and Dad used to use one when I was a kid that I misunderstood for years. I've noticed Mum still uses it with our Soph when she stays over at her house. Come bed time, the phrase 'up tha dances' meaning go up to bed. For years I thought that was 'up the dances', and assumed dances meant stairs :P Actually it's an instruction to 'dance' up the stairs to bed, and 'tha' is actually thou or thee.

Oh! here's one: Bloody Nora! That's pretty outdated. I find it slips in every so often.

On the racist stuff; I recall my gran using the term pikaninny once or twice :P
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