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Old 11-17-2003, 01:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: louisiana
Posts: 96
i don't think her tattoos or her black hair make her an outcast from society, seeing as how i have both and fit in fine. i think it is her mental problems and her apparent lack of drive or work ethic. what a sponge. there have been times when i have had to ask for financial help from mom, but i never expected it. in the long run if you are an adult you are responsible for yourself. i don't think you owe them a thing. in fact, i whole heartedly agree with the way you handled the situation....even if it saddens me the way people label others.....yes, i understand that stereotypes are mostly true or they wouldn't exist but some people deserve the benfit of the doubt....just not this girl and her mom based on the way they expect you to bail them out. my thoughts are with you and your son.
...with all of our running and all of our cunning, if we couldn't laugh we would all go insane...
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