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Old 02-10-2010, 03:41 PM   #8
tri-continental dag hag
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 247
I used to be a ghost origami folder back in the 70s. My (Japanese) mother had an origami show on the local TV station, BTV-6 Ballarat. I'd come home from school and she'd be about to go in to the studio, and she'd dash in from work and say "quick! make me 5 frogs!" or whatever. She would demonstrate how to make one on the show, and mine would be the display of different sizes and colours afterwards. Frogs are still my favourite, and I also make them in waiting rooms and restaurants. I used to like to make them with the silver or gold paper that you pull out of a new pack of cigarettes (thin, but holds the creases wonderfully) but hardly meet anyone with fags anymore, let alone when they're opening a new pack.
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you're never too old to have a happy childhood
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