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Old 03-03-2010, 12:53 PM   #14
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
For the record, if her 11-year-old son is receiving state services, she's already got it better in SC than some places. In Texas, the Medicaid Waiver List (which is what allows one to receive the type of state-funded care services this woman is afraid of losing) is currently 12 years and a few months long. For real. And you can't put your kid on the list until they have a formal diagnosis, so you're looking at a minimum age of about 14 before any state-funded services become available. And they recommend that you call in once a year to make sure everything's still okay, because if your contact information ever goes out of date, you lose your spot. They also recommend that you keep your original letter notifying you of your list spot in a safety deposit box, because if their records are ever destroyed by natural disaster, it will be the only evidence you have of ever having been on the list.

On the other hand, I don't know why her son only attends school "a few days a week." Federal law says the school district has to educate him for a full school day, in an appropriate environment. Maybe he's got other medical care (seizures, for example,) that precludes being in school all day long, I don't know.

Seriously y'all, this stuff is already funded so badly, this additional cut is almost meaningless. I guess funding 26,000 people is better than nothing, but you can't even imagine how many tens of thousands are already getting zero funding to begin with. The whole thing's a clusterfuck.
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