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Old 03-03-2010, 01:41 PM   #15
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Originally Posted by Clodfobble View Post
I don't know why her son only attends school "a few days a week." Federal law says the school district has to educate him for a full school day, in an appropriate environment. Maybe he's got other medical care (seizures, for example,) that precludes being in school all day long, I don't know.
I believe the law is UP TO a full-day and until age 21. I know it varies from state to state.

As far as why... Depending upon the condition/situation the child is in, he/she may not have the endurance or attention span to last a whole day. Many times they start at 30 mins in-home 1 or 2 times a week and work up to going back into the school. Some schools are outstanding and others are terrible.

One other reality that isn't so pretty -
They gotta spread the money around. By having 8 kids for an hour a day versus 1 kid for 8 hours the gov't can claim to be helping 8x as many kids.

Seriously y'all, this stuff is already funded so badly, this additional cut is almost meaningless. I guess funding 26,000 people is better than nothing, but you can't even imagine how many tens of thousands are already getting zero funding to begin with.
The whole thing's a clusterfuck.
Not just where you are, clod. It is another crystal clear example of a gov't program that is horribly disorganized, inefficient and poorly run.
After wasting months talking to the people at the state, I went another route - It took a bunch of arm-twisting/complaining/calling/threatening to elected people, but I got it done. Being a dick CAN have its benefits.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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