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Old 11-21-2003, 04:06 PM   #4
Management Consultant
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 165
Heh, I feel you on that one FNF, and it's pretty much the exact reason I made the original post. I've had... I don't know... 3? 4? different relationships that started out so strong, and so powerful that I was convinced at the outset that it was love.

That's the funny thing about relationships, they always cool off. And after you've had enough "cooling off" relationships, you start to think, "Maybe they're all like this. Why keep ending relationships where I don't love the girl, and instead just stay with someone that's 'good enough'".

I think that's the biggest reason why when ppl get older they regret all their old relationships. B/c they realize that they threw away all of these people that truly were compatible souls, just b/c they were chasing the classical idea of love... only to find out instead of "love" all you get is nightly sitcoms, microwave dinners, and sex on a semi-regular basis.

I think that's the reason why people watch romantic movies so much. They like to keep on believing the fairy tale. Might as well live it vicariously through the movies, since you know you'll never have it in your own life.


Oh, and Tom, naw, I don't believe in the idea that there is one "soul mate" out there. I think that idea is a little dated. I personally believe that you could take any man, and any woman on Earth, and if you stranded them on a desert island, after long enough 90% of the time they'll end up falling "in love".

Environment has a big impact on not only who we are, but how we deal with our relationships.

Last edited by Riddil; 11-21-2003 at 04:09 PM.
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